Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Racine 1/2 Ironman
I have made it back to Boulder after a nice little bit of traveling and racing. I have the cankles to prove it! For some reason I feel like I have been gone forever. It has actually only been about 13 days....Anyway, great news to report on my last 1/2 Ironman. I finally had a breakthrough race after a loooong bout with foot problems. All my 1/2's this year have been "decent" but I didn't think any of them really stood out. Racine was a PR performance for me and has definitely given me some confidence for my Ironman coming up in just TWO weeks!
Racine actually caused a lot of stress for me because I did very well there last year and had a really strong run and didn't want to go slower. I wanted to have that same kind of race but I wasn't sure if I was in good enough shape (run wise) to do it. Just recently, I have been able to run without foot pain (Knock on wood, tree's, telephone polls, and even that fake stuff they made 70's kitchen cabinets out of!) I can't tell you how happy I am to have this issue under control. Plantar Fasciitis was a major struggle and lasted for over 5 months. I really owe Bob Crany over at altitude fitness so much as he was the one that figured out how to get it under control. He is now God status.
So back to the stress part. I am notorious for what I call the "pre race injury." That is something that pops up out of the blue before a race with no real rhyme or reason. Most often I overcome the dilemma and do just fine. Rare occasions it actually causes a problem. The whole debate in my mind is "Are they real injuries? Or are they just stress?" 85% of the time I think they are stress related. I will probably write up something on my theory about the whole thing (which I know you are all dying to hear) but for now I will just focus on my latest example.
Two days before Racine I could tell my nerves were up. I was acting like an asshole to most people around me (not intentionally). Honestly I was trying my hardest to keep it under control. All that got in the path of Hurricane BDC I apologize. At least I didn't make those that suffered me sit in the Super Dome! I do have the best friends though that keep me sane when I flip out.
So this "pre race injury" was in my eye LOL. I define an "injury" as anything that happens to the body that screws you up. My left eye started to hurt and the the lid became swollen. I developed some form of stye. Long story short, the eye was at it's worst the AM of the race and then after the race it all started to go away. Before the race: "WTF! WHY ME? I CAN'T WEAR GOGGLES! LOOK HOW BIG MY EYE LID IS! IT ITCHES! IT BURNS!" After the race: "Oh my eye? It seems fine." Do you get my point here? I have tons of examples like this one (mine and others) that really suggest the mind is trying to sabotage us all!
Once the gun went off I really didn't thnk that much. Before I knew it I was on loop two of the run back in "Mummy Mode" (Huuuh Huuuuuh) trying to get my legs to go as fast as they could. The lack of speed work was noticeable but I was still able to run a 1:19:30 something. It's quick, but not the kind of quick I want to be running. In the end I was 5th overall and 1st Elite. With a time of 4:08 something (A PR) A great day for me!
The day before the race I was at the course watching my friend Jane do the sprint. She is new to triathlon and on a very cool journey of her own. She won the Athena category and looked so awesome out on the run. Myself, Jess and Becky were on the course yelling so there was very minimal walking on here end! GO JANE! Becky gave it hell the next day on the 1/2 hanging tough in that heat! Jessica, well, we all know she thinks doing triathlon is WHACK and that we are all Locco in La Cabezza. But that is one girl who knows how to spectate! It is going to be awesome having her energy on the course at Vineman and Hawaii!
At some point we heard a women talking to the race director about the course. She was bitching that the course should be described as "hilly and slow" not "flat and fast." I almost had to pull out a gay "GIIIIIRLLLLL" with a twist of black women "Yain't know nothing about NO HILLS!" I mean there were some "rollers" but anyone that uses the word "Hill" in the Midwest is smoking crack. If anything the proper thing to bitch about was the bumpy roads LOL...I fired a water bottle off the back and I think it is now orbiting the earth.....
So that's all. Glad to be back in Boulder. Had a nice open water swim with the guys this AM. Everyone is looking super fit. I think there is going to be some serious ass kicking in the next few months!
Thanks so much to Becky and Jane for putting us up the week before the race. It was a blast! I even had fun being crammed into one hotel room with the three of you. I hope my sleep toots weren't too bad for ya!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Lifetime Fitness
Well I made it to my next destination after I missed my flight! Most don't know that you can run more than a mile in the North West terminal in Minnicrabopolus. That is what I call Minneapolis. More on that later....
Lifetime was an AWESOME race for me. If you look on line at the results I did worse than an age group chick but that is because they messed up my chip somehow. I was actually second in the Elite Champ Race and did around 2:01.
When I got to the check in for the race everything went smooth until I noticed that my envelope said "Elite Female." It's funny because I saw the "Issues" table and thought "I don't want to have any issues" and then I see I am a girl LOL....It was funny because the girl that fixed it said "Okay you are now female to male." We were all cracking up and making jokes that they were going to check my "bits" in the back to be sure!
Even though she fixed it in the PC I found out on race day that since my number was not changed I was located in the chick rack and had their orange swim cap instead of the mens green. All the ladies loved it welcomed me to their rack. Not that rack people....lets try to keep the minds clean okay?
Anyway, I went down to the water to warm up and felt really good. I was ready to swim a PR in this distance with all that wonderfull oxygen I was breathing in. Too bad I ended up doing that but getting credit for a 28 something....oh well.....but before the swim I was lined up with all the dudes. I was the lone orange cap and since I had befriended my lady triathletes that were standing behind us they all started to chant " Go Brenda! Go Brenda!"
I was laughing in my head because when I was in 6th grade and really internally dealing with this gay thing my teacher accidentally called me Brenda Del Gada. She explained that she had a piano teacher named Brenda Del Gada when she was young and since my name is Brandon Del Campo it just freudianly came out. Wonder what all the kids in my cass called me? Lets just say that was worth at LEAST 2 years of therapy LOL. I share this openly because I think it is funny but if anyone on Team Good Guys call me Brenda I will KICK THEIR (Bad word coming up) ASS.
So luckily I didn't have horrible flash backs of 6th grade right before the horn went off. I just turned around and bowed pointing to my orange cap. Then the horn went off. Well sort of. It didn't really make a noise but we saw the fart like gas spew out and all started running.
The swim was rough (of course) but I knew that 1/2 way in the swim when I started to make my move that some of the guys would think that I am a girl passing them becasue of the orange cap. "My name is Biannca and I come from UKRAINE! I CRUSH YOU WITH MY SWIM!" One of the guys was talking to me after the race and saw me pass him and he thought "Damn that chick has big arms!"
The bike was pretty good. It was hard to find a rhythm because the roads had a lot of bumps, turns and wind. It was funny because I am not used to racing short like this and every once in a while I had to remind myself " Ride harder this race is SHORT!" I really did try to push but my aerobic system is way stronger than my legs are.....so I went around an hour or something...
Off the bike was the real test. I was told to run fast and I REALLY wanted to feel my run again. I tore out of transition and basically ran as fast as I could for two loops. My run speed top end is not very good right now but I just kept rolling. On my first lap a male in the pro race caught me and I just ran with him for the first loop. I thought he was in my race so I was very determined to beat him. When we got to loop two he said "good luck" and went into the finish. I figured I must have been running okay if he was a pro. He was working hard so it couldn't have been that slow.
On loop two I just focused on catching people on loop one. I knew I would have one chance on the small out and back to see where people were. I found out that I had dropped everyone trailing and had one more guy in my sight. I knew that I could hunt him down if I felt like hurting so I put it into "Mummy Gear" (Mummy Gear is when you are running making that HUHH HUUUHHH HUHHHH noise). If I was a tennis player I would SOOO be a groaner. Anyway I huffed and I puffed and I blew that athlete down. When I got in striking distance I had to slow down for 5 seconds just to make sure that I could pass him with some serious authority and not let him be able to go with me. He tried for about 2 sec but then I dropped him.
When I got close to the finish Jessica was there and I could tell that I was doing really well. I thought I was in 5th or 6th place but I knew by her face that I was better than that. When I crossed I heard them say that I was the second elite. I was pretty stoked. And then to find out that I had the fastest run of the day was icing on the cake. Seeing my result as 15th and 28 min swim was like eating that cake, licking the plate and then downing a pint of Ben and Jerry's and then having the sugar low hit. FUN!
I fell like I have the confidence to run fast at the Racine 1/2 next weekend now and then to also run well at Full Vineman. I mean, I only got chicked by one of the ladies!!!! In this distance that is super SAAAAWEEEEET for me :-) Oh wait, I was one of the Ladies. I guess I got second in both races haha...
Thanks to Lifetime for flying me out, putting me up and feeding me! It was a great experience and I am really glad I did it!
Monday, July 9, 2007
7 7 7
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Supreme Court Decision
Sunday, July 1, 2007
It sure is nice to go to an event that has some serious athletes that feel it is okay to let loose and do something crazy once in a while. Joanna Zieger (Olympian, Ironman Champion and Olympic hopeful for 08) was the host of the Beer Mile that took place the other day. It's funny that Denny was the one that signed me up and both Denny and I wussed out and didn't do it. We got so much crap from JZ about that...but I got her back after she was drunk and I got to witness her CHUNDER on lap 2 LOL! I have the pic of it as I was on "chunder watch" with my camera. If she isn't nice to me I just might post her blowing chunks on the track. And it was chunky!! I also put her in her place later by imitating her being drunk.....she chased me........ I had a 30 min run to go on and I wanted company. I honestly think I could have made her chase me around for 30 min LOL! But I will tell you that JZ is one tough cookie. She just crashed on the bike and had road rash along with a good bang to the head, yet there she is putting the guys to shame at the Beer Mile while telling Denny and I (in between laps) that we are total pussy's! I have a race coming up.....but she has the same race so that didn't really work as en excuse.
So lets talk about Mr. "I just finished top 10 in and IM" Edwards. The boy went on and on and on and on and on about how he was gonna rock the beer mile and put everyone to shame with his quick step and fast drinking. Homeboy DISGRACED Team Good Guys (That's us on G's Squad) so bad that he actually made Denny and I NOT doing it look like we did it better! But he sure got his buzz on. Billy gets so sensitive when he is drunk HAHAHA!
The real reason I didn't do it though is that I am just getting over being a bit "spent" and I thought it wise to stay away from such activities as I get HUGE hangovers when I drink. Plus Gordo has taken a good amount of time to help me out with my plan up to Vineman and I don't want to F it up. I already got yelled at for swimming too hard the other AM.....but we did agree that it was good for the confidence ;-) Anyway, I will be back to do a Beer Mile later in the year and JZ is going DOWN! WHAT! WHAT!
Things are starting to come around and I think I am going to be able to handle this next block of training. It has a lot of running, 2 solid races and one Big Bad Mofo of a bike ride. Looking forward to it all.