If you are like most Americans, you tune into some form of news several times a week. It is hard not to take notice that the Presidential Race for 08 has begun. I have watched several of the debates on TV, especially the recent "Youtube" debate that Anderson Cooper hosted on CNN. I must give him some serious props for how he handled it. It is very challenging to keep politicians on topic and he managed better than most. Fun Fact: How many people know Anderson is gay?
When I chimed into the boob tube the other day I saw that the Democratic candidates were going to be in LA to debate "Gay Issues." I wonder what issues they are going to debate? Are all gay men really that good looking? Are lesbians truly that gifted when it comes to sports? Maybe they will debate something more serious like the HIV issue in gay men? Oh wait! I bet it will be whether a gay guy does a better Barbra than Barbra herself.
Obviously they would not be touching on any of these stereotypical comments I just made. No, they would rather waste time and money and debate something that in my mind is "not debatable." Equality.
I am so sick and tired of politicians on both sides of the fence mistaking gay people for a tennis ball that they whack back and forth trying to rack up as many votes as they can. Maybe they view us as a tennis ball because they don't have any balls of their own? (Or whatever the female equivalent for Hillary would be. Although some would say that would be "balls").
How in this day and age do you justify debating "equality" in a country that claims to be the king of "Freedom?" Well actually, I can answer that for you. You see the biggest issue that gay people face is that straight people, who seem to know SOOOOOO much about gay people, like to debate that it might be a choice. I understand that sexuality isn’t always as concrete as the color of one’s skin. However, that does not give a person that is NOT gay the right to determine if choice has played a factor. To me it is like the sports doctor that has never done a lick of physical activity in his/her life trying to tell me about an injury I have. Go run for three hours and get back to me on that one “Doc“.
The other problem gay people face is the whole idea of "family values." Funny that this should come up as I am at Amante Coffee in Boulder writing this and I am totally eavesdropping on these two guys’ conversation. They are debating the homo issue. (They seem straight. I wonder if they chose that?). The main argument that I heard was that they are "Okay with homo's but the concern comes when we face the breakdown of the nuclear family." Well light a fire under my ass!
Do I need to bring up the statistics of straight people and marriage? I only know a tiny handful of folks that got married and stayed married (my parents are one of them-Good job!). Most people I know have been divorced at least once in their life. You don't see me running them down screaming "you pathetic failure you are killing marriage!" You do see plenty of people including our wonderful president (hold on, when I mention him I gag a little bit) that seem to be obsessed with the idea that gay people are going to kill marriage.
When my parents still lived in Thousand Oaks, I would have to drive by Oaks Christian High School that sits right on the 101 freeway. When California had the Gay Marriage bill up for vote, the counter campaign was called "Save Marriage." Those love filled Christians at the High School had, I kid you not, over 200 of the "Save Marriage" signs on the front lawn. I wonder how many of the kids that go to that school come from broken homes? Oaks Christian gets a big Dick Cheney F Bomb from me…… And so does Dick.
But you see my point here is that the argument of “saving” marriage doesn't hold up. In fact, if you look at the homes of gay people that have chosen to have children, you find a home that stays together WAY more then our bunny breeding straight folks. It would seem clear to me that the reason for this is that gay people are forced into planned parenthood and have to jump through many hoops to get a kid. They REALLY want children!
I guess straight people take the family values argument one step further and claim that children need a father figure and a mother figure to come out normal. Ummmmm okay. I am down with that as long as we attack every single family that isn't a mom and dad. Do these people that make these arguments every stop and listen to themselves? Kids growing up need three things to come out okay. Love, attention and discipline. And even then it is a crap shoot.
Lets back track for a moment and deal with the whole "It's a choice" argument. First, why would anyone in their right mind choose to be gay in the world in which we live. Sure I understand that we posses most of the creative talent on the planet but still! Golly Gee, I think I will choose to be something that gets harassed in school, the government hates, people think is odd and finally something that I could get my ass kicked over in most states that don't touch water. Sounds like a good choice to me!
So lets argue for a second that being gay is 100% choice. Guess what? This is America people! Land of the FREE, home of the brave. It is your right to chose that if you want! I don't recall any fine print in the constitution of the United States. It's a good thing that there isn't any as the government can’t seem to read the regular print correctly (cough, cough WIRE TAPPING!).....that is a topic for another day.
Anyway, I hope you get my points here. They are a bit scattered I know, but when you take the whole debate down to the root, which is “equality”, you find that there is in fact no debate. You are either for equality or you are a bigot.
I would love to hear any arguments that go against this notion of equality. WARNING: If you throw any biblical stuff at me I will whip out that over quoted novel and find something in it that would warrant me stoning your righteous ass in public! Seriously though, we are at a cross roads in this country. Do we step up to the plate and try and practice what we preach or do we continue down the path of hypocrisy? You tell me.
And finally, as far as the Presidential candidates go, they can debate “the gays” all they want. They can preach their religion that prevents them from backing gay marriage, they can use their wife’s views on gay marriage to try and make them look better and they can of course continue to come kiss our asses. No matter what they do, they cannot hide from the fact that there is only one clear non debatable answer on this issue if we continue to preach Equality and Freedom in this country.
Anyone know how many of our kids died in Iraq today? I didn’t think so…..
To see the full debate in LA you can visit www.visiblevote08.com
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
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ReplyDeleteBDC My friend-
ReplyDeleteI read this post a few times and I was totally crying:) I agree with you totally. It makes me sad that so much focus is put into something that should not be an issue, and forget about the things that are issues.
I wish "Christians" were different, my friend. It is bad that all of the "Creepy Christians" represent me. You know that is not how I am:)
I love ya...always will no matter what:)
Becky O
ReplyDeleteI appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. It makes a difference. Congratulations to your mom and dad for doing a fine job raising their son.
Well Said Brando!
ReplyDeleteI love what you have written. You have a wonderful way of getting your point across. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Hugs, J Mar