Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The World Without Us

Here is a pic of the Boulder Res where we swim Tuesday/Thursday at 6:15 freaking AM!
This is my proof that I showed up haha!

One of my favorite questions to ask people is "If there was a button, that if pressed, would zap all of humanity off the planet, including yourself, leaving only the animal life and plant life would you press the button?" The question is also under the idea that there is no after life so you don't need to consider that in your decision. We just disappear and the world goes on without us.

When I was in New Zealand I had been discussing this with a friend and we were talking about what we thought would happen. When the button is pressed everything that we created remains. So if you were driving a car when the button was hit, your car is still running. Would the earth bounce back from us? There would be nuclear power plant meltdowns, crashed planes, fires out of control, and giant human structures abandoned of our care.

I'm not sure if I would push the button. Some days I crave the button but others are filled with a sense of hope that we will figure out this mess that we call humanity. Luckily for me, I don't have to press the button. I can now read a book on it.

I got back in today from a swim workout and there was a package waiting for me from Amazon.coooooooooooooooooom. I didn't order anything but my friend Tom and I had this conversation the other day and he told me about this book called "The World Without Us." That sneaky Tom was off to Italy for a month but managed to order the book for me. I am so excited to read it as it covers all of my crazy fantasies about this in a very scientific way. I hope Alan Weisman doesn't disappoint with his tale of a post-human earth!

I am off tomorrow to go race Big Kahuna 1/2 in Santa Cruz. Hopefully I will have the book finished by the time I get back to give a review. I'm thinking this could be the start of the "The BDC Book Club." Oprah who?

One last thing- I am a hoooorible friend. I totally forgot to give Carol Sharpless some props in the last post. She raced IM LV and was 4th in the female race and tore it up in the swim with a 48! Yowsers. Looking forward to hanging when you get to Boulder this month :-)



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