Saturday, June 14, 2008

Half Naked Cougar Spotted In South Boulder.

Well I am back in Boulder after a week of really "bummer" weather in Canada. Ben and I went to watch the ITU World Cup race in Vancouver which was pretty awesome. I have never been to an ITU race before. Matt Reed was racing and I was stoked on that as I have never seen him race in person either. Fifth over all and a damn gutsy effort our there! I hooked up with Kelly (his wife) to watch the race and got a little race of my own helping her run after her very energetic two year old!

Anyway, when I got back to Boulder I was very excited to see my peeps. Teressa Rider who is abandoning us all for a, get this, "MAN" was going to come over to my house for a run before she flew off to be with that "MAN"! Teressa of course had on one of her super cute Jagged running outfits. A nice spandex bottom with a very small jog bra top thingie-ma-whats-it. Shit, if I was rocking her body you can bet I would have something cute like that on too...

The run was nice. I went her pace which is a bit slower than mine and that afforded me to run a tad longer time wise with her. She was complaining that she had a stomach ache when we turned around. Apparently she had a decent amount of beets for lunch. Who hasn't gone for a run where you had a little too much in the belly? Normally when I have these problems my running companion gets blasted with some pretty toxic farts of mine. I'm a little notorious....

We got to about 33 min into it and Teressa wanted to run further before we went back. I had been having issues with my foot again since the race and didn't want to go further so I told her that I would just wait on this bridge near the East Boulder Rec Center while she ran out and back to a parking lot. Teressa has been known to get lost on her way to the bathroom in her own house so I thought it would be safe sending her on this out and back. "Just follow the stream and turn around when you get to the parking lot". She looked around as if to get the land marks in her head before she took off. "OUT AND BACK! GO!"

I waited patiently on the bridge stretching, enjoying the views, finding my inner zen so that I don't go into freak out mode if my foot decided to hurt the next morning. When I noticed that I was feeling quite calm I also noticed that it was because so much time had passed and the Cougar was taking a really long time to do this out and back. "I swear to god....if she got lost....."

A little more time goes by and this women comes running over to me. "Are you Brandon?" she says. "Yeah I am." I must say I was concerned now. Something was definitely wrong because this woman seemed very nervous about whatever she was about to tell me.

"Well your friend is in a bit of distress." Oh shit she's probably hurt I thought. "Ummm she is down by the creek and is bottomless." I don't think my mind registered what she said right away but then I got it and thought, has Teressa pulled a Margo Kidder (Lois Lane) and gone nuts, taken her bottoms off and started running around South Boulder? I know she has been a bit stressed these days but...

"Actually she was going to the bathroom by the creek and some man startled her and she dropped her bottoms and they went down the creek and she couldn't get them. So she is just naked by the side of the creek." When I stopped laughing I had to actually grab the woman's arm and ask her if she was serious. "For REAL!?!" There was no joke here. Teressa was somewhere down South Boulder Creek trying to get it renamed to Beaver Creek. I hoped to god she wasn't running towards the bridge with her hands over her WHO HA. I was fully prepared to pretend I didn't know her and run off! But then I realized how "real" this situation was and that her bottoms were not coming back. I started running down the trail calling out her name. I figured she wouldn't be easy to see so I was looking near bushes and stuff. The women had told me that she was trying to hide near a bridge.

I ran all the way to the parking lot and couldn't find her. It was funny because for some reason when I was calling out her name I was whispering. I was waiting for a "Psst. BDC, I am over here and I lost my knickers." That didn't happen so I started to ask a few people if they had possible seen a small, fit, 1/2 naked Aussie women running around. Most said no, key word MOST, and after I told them why she was 1/2 naked they gave me this look like "That's what you get for having sex with your girlfriend down by the creek!" Now I was getting embaraced. Well, okay I wasn't. I admit, I was feeling like a stud. "uhhh yeah, that's it, she couldn't resist me and made me take her right here on the trail." Everyday I understand the straight male mentality a little bit better...

So when I didn't find her and had asked every person around me if they had seen her, and quite a few had, it gave me the idea that she had gotten help from someone. With that I decided to run back to the house and hope she was there.

When I got back my roommate Lindsay was home and I asked her if Teressa was here and she said no. When I told her what happened she immediately went into "nurse" mode (she's a nurse) and got some shorts a towel and grabbed her car keys STAT! "Come ON! She can't be left out there with no bottoms!" I explained that I didn't know where we should look so she said that we should go to the parking lot. That was where Miss Godiva was spotted last.

Lindsay who is a runner as well couldn't understand why she would take off her bottoms all the way to go to the bathroom. I was dumbfounded as well. I mean Teressa is a veteran athlete, multiple Kona Age Group Champion and was 17th overall at the LA Marathon in her FIFTIES. There is no way this is the first time she has pulled a road side service dump. I was really looking forward to an explanation on this one. We couldn't come up with anything.

Lindsay and I decided to split up when we got to the parking lot. She took the towel and drove over to East Boulder Rec and I took the shorts and ran the track. I couldn't find her again and when I made to East Boulder Rec I went inside and asked the front desk if anyone nude had come in lately. They looked at me like I was nuts but I really didn't want to explain the story. So I left and sat outside waiting for Lindsay to come here. Hopefully she had found her.

Lindsay rolls up in the car and sure enough the cougar had been caged. They were both laughing hysterically. When I got to the car I looked down and she had a United Airlines blanket wrapped around her waist. Apparently some guy ran back to his car and gave it to her. He later saw her running up and down the trail looking for me. His exact words were "Oh, good job. You are going to finish your run."

Teressa was in shock at how many people had been on the trail. "Bloody HELL. There were couples, baby joggers, dog walkers FRICKEN HECK! I just said "Hi" and pretended nothing was wrong. It wasn't until some man offered me some help by getting this blanket." Then she proceded to talk about how cute the blanket was with her top LOL!!! You should have seen how she had it on. It looked taylored!

The only thing left was to get the scoop on why she had taken her bottoms off. Well, she did have stomach problems and went to use a Port-A-potty but, well, just didn't get there fast enough. DOOH! Don't laugh, we have all been there. When she saw the creek she thought "Oh I can just walk down and rinse them out." While in the process of this some man said hi to her and she freaked and dropped them and the current took them away. I guess this actually leads to another question. "WHY DIDN'T YOU JUMP IN AFTER THEM!!!!" With my little Cougar, we may never know.

Fear not Boulderites. The 1/2 Naked Cougar spotted in South Boulder has been caught and transferred to Seattle for the next week. She will be released back into the Boulder wildlife for another two months when she returns so make sure you keep on the lookout!

P.S.- In order for me to get permission to tell this story I had to ad that I am the only one that gets to call her "Cougar". All others must refer to her as Kitten.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hawaii 70.3 HONU Race Report 2008

Well the first race of the season is under my belt and I have some really good information on where I stand physically and mentally. I had two goals for this race which were to grab a Kona slot and not get chicked. I know that sounds a bit lame but there were some top notch females in the race and I felt that if I could hold them off, my day wouldn't be too bad. However, as you will see, both goals were just barley met!

The week leading into the race did not consist of much. My training had just started to come around and I didn't want to do anyting the week leading up that would make me tired. The mind set was still focused on health and not doing anything that was going to upset my foot. The race would be enough.

The days leading into the race were really windy down by Hapuna Beach. I wasn't too excited about that because I knew deep down that a windy day for me was going to be a hard day. Granted, all windy days are hard, but I knew where my bike strenght was and for me to ride strong I was going to need a calm day with favorable winds. Race morning was anything but that.

I had to accept what I was in for and try and go at this with a positive attitude. I had been swimming much better lately and thought I might be in the position for one of my all time top swims. Unfortunately that did not happen and the swim was in many ways a wash. The race changed its venue to a deep water start rather than a beach run in because last year certain people decided to run along the beach and cheat. Stuff like that just gets me. Anyway, the set up was that all swimmers needed to be between two orange bouys. I decided to line up towards the deepest one to avoid the merge of people as much as possible. The problem was that all swimmers on the line were shooting for one bouy that was about 600 meters away and then will have to make a 90 degree turn. With the Hawaii IM start you have such a long way to go before you merge that things thin out a bit. This was looking like it was going to be pure chaos.

It actually got worse before the gun. It seemed that more and more people were coming over to the section that I was in. The pro filed was over here as well and they kept inching forward. To be fair, the current was pulling us all past the line and the swim crew kept trying to push us back. I of course decided to grab the bouy so I would stop drifting. That was dumb. I should have stayed on the front line and just got yelled at like everyone else. There were several people with surf boards and a guy on a jet ski right in front of us screaming that they would not start the race until people got back. There was no way that the race would start with this entire section blocked by officials. "BANG!"

I couldn't believe the race gun just went off. I was about two rows back and had a jet ski right in front of me. I got stuck so far back and was getting kicked and whacked more than I ever had in any triathlon. It was so bad that it was just stupid! There wasn't a damn thing I could do. When we got to the first buoy I thought I might have a chance to get out of it. But no, I was with people that felt a break was needed when they hit the buoy. I stoped being nice and started pushing people under. I was the jerk grabbing legs and heads and literally crawling over you. Even that didn't work. I was just stuck. The swim was going to be a write off at this point. I just put my head down and smacked feet for the rest of the way. It felt like we were going so slow. It was like a Dave Scott workout on a hot summer day!

At least I wasn't expending that much energy on the swim. When I finally got out of the water the time was a high 28 min. Bad but not horrific. When I saw some of the people that I came out of the water with I knew that it was most likely that way for everyone unless of course you can swim sub 26 min. I don't care that much about my swim times though. They are what they are...

The run to T1 is a bit long and up a decent hill. It is best that you don't run up it like Carl Lewis. Of course some people do and it just makes me smile.....well laugh. Another thing that makes me laugh is my transition times! What the hell was I doing? I must have sat down and had a coffee or something as I checked them against other peoples and I was 2 min slower than everyone. TWO MIN!!! That is so lame. At least I know I have some "free speed" for my next race. That could have moved me up a few places overall in the race.

Once out on the bike I tried to find a rhythm. Ben Cotter and Mike Montgomery were in T1 with me and I know that both of them are very strong riders. I wanted to see if I could keep them in site. That so did not happen. I did move up a bit but then we turned around to head up towards Hawi and the wind was taking it's toll on me. I actually got passed by quite a few people on the bike. There was a group ahead of me that I figured had Sam McGlone in it and I couldn't make any ground on them to save my life. Johnathin Toker passed me on the climb as if I was standing still. I think I have ridden longer and harder in training rides. But none the less it was where I was at. I thought that I would get a break when we turned back down but it seemed that we only got a brief tail wind and then it was back to a cross wind. I just wanted off the climb at that point.

When we got back on the Queen K I was passed by a good number of people including a female pro. But wait it gets better. I couldn't even sit legal and keep up with her LOL! Mitch and a bunch of others rolled by too. I was now getting a bit discouraged. Even if I could pull off a good run I was now pretty far back. I think there was a bit of concern on my part about the run as last year it was my slowest run in my entire triathlon endeavor. This was going to suck if we had a repeat of that.

When I finally made it to T2 and got off the bike the legs felt like I rode all out. My quads were heavy and running through T2 was not pretty. I had a really hard time finding my rack number and had to stop and get someone to find it for me. I was in super lame mode at this point. But none the less the shoes went on and off I went.

Mitch was stepping out of the porta potty as I ran by and he said something to me. I think he wanted me to run with him but the way things were going I needed all the time I could get and just ran off. I had my Garmin 305 on for the first time and the damn thing didn't pick up the satellite until about 2 miles into the run. Part of the reason I am not a gadget guy is that when they don't work it frustrates the hell out of me and causes my mind to think about things other than running. My goal on the run is to get to that point of ultimate discomfort as fast as possible so that I can acclimate to the feeling. One of the keys to running fast for me is to get as uncomfortable as possible and then bank on my fitness to tolerate it. If you are in shape then each mile should feel a bit better and you can push the level of discomfort. Hence my ability to run negative splits on the run. I don't recommend that in an IM though...It doesn't work!

I achieved that level of discomfort from step one and when the watch finally kicked in I couldn't believe how slow my pace was for the perceived effort I was putting out. There was still a part of me holding back though because I really didn't want to bonk on this course like I did last year. I just kept focusing on the next person in front of me and roped them in. It wasn't until some guy with a 43 on his leg passed me that the fire really got lit. I know I wasn't having my best day but I rarely get passed on a run and to have it be by some 43 year old guy was just not gonna happen. Not that 43 year old guys can't run.....

He was moving at a good clip when I caught back up to him but I could tell by the way that he was breathing that he had bitten off way more than he could chew with his pace. I used him for a bit to get my own pace up and then took off. I saw the pace on my watch start to drop and began to feel the best I felt all day. I was now on parts of the course that was pure hell to me last year. Feeling good at that point was the green light to turn it on. I had about 3 miles to go and I was able to drop sub 6's for all of them. My last mile and a 1/2 felt really good. I now had people insight that I thougth were out of my reach. Sam and Jonathin Toker were two of them. I really did not want to get beat by Sam today and knew that JT was in my age group. At this point it wasn't a matter of "Can I?", It was a matter of "Do you want it bad enough?" My body wasn't going to fail but it would be hard to convince the mind to go to a place that is that uncomfortable. I didn't have much time left so I really had to treat this like I was in a 5K road race.

I passed 2 others on my way up to them, all of which were in my own age group, and then saw Sam take off away from JT. There were two aid stations left and I had to blow them all. In fact, I should mention that this race was somehow done on almost nothing. I had a Power Gel before the swim and on the bike I had one Gel and a bottle of sports drink with a few chugs of water. I think the wind was one of the main things that prevented me from getting more. But on the run all I had was coke at every other aid station. I had JT's salt stick pills with me and never took any and only had a sip of water. Not sure why, but I never felt like I needed anything. So by this point skipping an aid station was no biggie.

I didn't catch Sam until the last 400 meters. As I ran in I could hear "And here she is. Defending champion....". All I wanted was to get to the finish and get out of there. I felt like a dick passing her at the end and didn't want to be in the way of her glory moment LOL. None the less my fast last 1/2 got me my Kona slot. I would have been about 4th in my age had I not got motivated to pick it up. I didn't win but finished second and luckily first place was from Hawaii so he got an island slot and I got the international one. His name is Flanagan and he swam something crazy like 23 min. I think he went to the Olympics for swimming. Anyway, he and I were on the bus to the airport and he said this was his first 1/2 and that Kona will be his first full. I think you will see something special by him on his first go at it.....just a hunch.

It was a great trip and if you look at the results our entire crew there took a good number of the Kona slots! Ben Cotter (25-29) Myself (30-34) Mike Montgomery (35-39) Mark Peitrofessa (40-45) Scott Davis (40-45) Linea Alford (35-39)

Great job to all that raced!