Friday, January 23, 2009

TIMEX/TRISTAR Showdown Update

I thought I would post an update on the TIMEX/TRISTAR Showdown between myself and Carole Sharpless that was supposed to take place on the second Saturday of January. I figured that most people probably just thought I lost the swim race because I didn't write about it. Actually it was postponed by Princess Zeiger. I can call JZ a Princess because of the "takes one to know one" policy.

Anyway, Joanna scheduled some eye correction surgery and wasn't going to be able to swim for a few days, one of which would have been second Saturday in January. She wanted to TT a 1,500 with us as well and convinced us to switch the date. This clearly works to Carole's advantage because it just gives her more time to sharpen up the swim skills she has had all her life. Myself on the other hand will probably not benefit as much simply because my top end in swimming is not even close to where hers can be. I guess this just means that when I WIN it will be even more deserved!

Since the race has been postponed to the 31st JZ is going to get a little race of her own. Marky V ( challenged JZ to a different kind of 1,500 race. Their challenge is to see if JZ can beat him but she is allowed to swim on his feet. He gets to flip on the left side of the wall and she gets to flip in the right side of the wall unless she passes him and then it would switch. Mark is one of the fastest swimmers in the sport and JZ is one of the fastest ladies. It will be a good challenge.

Unfortunately for me, I just had a quick stint in the ER with a fever of 106. I got some strain of the flu and now have a ton of crap in my chest. I also seem to have busted a rib from all my coughing. Sleeping has been pure joy. I haven't been in the pool for over a week but that won't stop me. I am focusing on rest and recovery and if I can get my lungs clean by the 29th I am just gonna go for it! Sharpie has been out of town and hasn't had the comfort of our group to train so I am going to assume she slacked a bit. I mean, I did get a few texts asking if it was okay that she was at a Wendy's or something.

So there is the quick update. Hopefully we will all be ready to go ahead with this race. My next challenge is to JZ. I want to take her on in a 1,500. She has to swim and I get to use a buoy and paddles. For some reason my ability to swim with paddles makes me 5 times faster than without. It will still be hard to beat her though.

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